Injury struck, but knock on wood have been able to run through. Though I have had moments of high anxiety, doubts, self pity. My Achilles as of now is fine; its the top of my right foot that is causing me such consternation. Dull pain along the top middle, sort of extending out at times along the individual toe muscle bones and tendons, accompanied by some light swelling. Icing, taking turmeric supplements, and started eating some fruits like blackberries to aid in the reduction of the inflammation.
But I run on, and rack up the miles. Another week over eighty, with two solid workouts thrown in, on seven total runs. No rest days again. Part of my 34 days in the valley planned stretch of high intensity training. No idea why/ where I came up with the name from. But I like it.
Tuesday was kind of feeling sorry for myself. Didn't want to have to do 17 miles after work, in the dark, on a sore foot. A run that would include 8 x 1000m. But I did it, one step at a time, Thought about what Zatopek would do, as I finished reading a biography on him. And how he would say something to the effect of, as long as I my legs can keep moving, I keep running. No excuses.
Though I fret and worry that it is something more serious like a dreaded stress fracture, which people unbeknownst, run through all the time. Until the finally cant. And as Amie suggested wisely, don't Google it. And I said, self diagnosis is a fool's errand. Though by the end of the week, I am more optimistic. Just got play whatever cards I am dealt right?
Felt real good, and real encouraged after Saturday's 13 miles at M pace. Able to consistently run in the mid 6:40s. Could have gone a few more I think too. Hit 16 miles in the run/ workout at 1:51 and change- did the math, and realized I would have needed to run 10.2 miles in 1:09 to break 3. I'm going to keep chasing this dream-man do I want it.
So that helps motivate me to keep the hammer down. Train like you stole it is becoming a mantra of mine.
Warm temps almost the whole week. Humidity too. Shucked tank top during both Tues/ at WOs
Week # 11 (2/19/18-2/25/18)
Total miles: 83.4
Monday: 9 miles. 1.5- 2 miles normal pace hills CBSP Yellow blaze, sugarloaf trails. Roads rest of way. 6 x 150 I/O strides. Some soreness top of foot, Achilles ok. Run time- 1:15 (8:21 pace)
Tuesday: 17 miles. WO2. 8 + (8 x 1,000m, w/ 2 min jog recovery) + 2.5. See above for mental outlook going into. Fretted too about where to get the first 8 miles. Did some on farm, kept going back and forth on dirt road, hitting yellow gate at one end. Lifted my spirits. Set up 1,000m course new neighborhoods off Ocean Blvd. Went one way, then back 4xs. Felt pretty strong, trying to run 3:45 (6:00 pace). Strava had fasted at 3:28. Looks like I negative split them too. Achilles held up; some top of foot pain. So exhausted latter stages, I forgot how many miles supposed to do, or miscalculated how many left per having total off. Also on c/d couldn't quite figure out where I was, lost track of if had crossed over Ocean. Kinda cool in a perverse way. Run time- 2:10:35 (7:39 pace)
Wednesday: 8.3 miles. Easy in CBSP and a few on the roads. Felt ok. Run time- 1:14:50 (9:01 pace)
Thursday: 10.02 miles. CBSP hills, 10 x yellow blaze hill front and back sides. Ran fairly hard, legs going to jelly near top of hills. Finished on roads and boardwalk. Felt almost high mentally/ spiritually last few miles in the dark closer to ocean. Good vibe. Run time- 1:25:14 (8:30 pace)
Friday: 11.15 miles. Early morning run again so can have 24+ hour rest before Saturday WO. River road loop. Decent run but legs felt pretty beat up from the hills the night before. Warm, foggy morning. Steady pace. Getting mileage in run. Run time- 1:30:03 (8:04 pace)
Saturday: 18 miles. WO1. 3 + 13M + 2. W/U on farm, then took rout down into KB, back thru back roads, Snows Cut bridge 2x, some of North End. Solid workout. Got caught in some tropical like downpours early, started a little past 6am. M splits: 6:43, 6:45, 6:42, 6:45, 6:45, 6:43, 6:44, 6:49, 6:44, 6:40, 6:36, 6:43, 6:40. Putting myself in position, or sub3 in the crosshairs as I posted on my IG page. Also posted pics of KB pier on the Boston Training FB page. Run time- 2:07:08 (7:04 pace)
Sunday: 9.92 miles. CBSP w/ Colin, Josh, Justin F. Easier trail miles, good times. Talking about all of our upcoming marathons. They eventually did 20. Legs felt alright after Saturday. Run time- 1:28:11 (8:53 pace)
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