Knock on wood, but my right knee has been feeling better the past few days. Now the big concern is the bitter cold weather. Very cold for coastal North Carolina, with wind chills in the teens at times. I'm not a big fan of running in this type of weather, though I do have plenty of experience going back to my years of upbringing in Pennsylvania. But I never marathon trained then, and most of the running I would have done in winter weather was at an easier pace, and more than likely under ten miles a run.
But such are the challenges when training, for any distance or race. Things come up, and we as runners handle them the best we can. Plus I think it sharpens the focus of taking each run one at a time.
Had a good week from a training perspective, including a real hard threshold based workout. Achieved weekly mileage target range I was shooting for. Also got to work for two days at the inaugural Carolina Beach State Park half marathon- grateful for the work, and time spent with fellow runners. Also spent several hours New Years Eve at a party with several friends training for either Boston, or other marathons and half marathons this coming spring. Always great to talk shop; we can all learn from each other.
Got 2 days of circuit training in: planks/ core + leg work. Need to continue to up. Also got TRX ropes from Amie for upper body work.
As mentioned, the weather will certainly make week #4 upcoming a bit more difficult. But here's a look back first at week #3.
Week#3 (12/25-12/31)
75.1 miles total
Monday: 11.62 miles. Early morning Xmas run in Richmond. First two easy with my Dad to/ thru Deep Run Park. Mix of the dirt single track trails, and asphalt in park and surrounding roads. Had Jingle Bells song in my head half the run. Ran several hills near the end of run at a brisker pace. Windy and cold. Run time: 1:43:46 (8:56 pace)
Tuesday: 17 miles. WO2. 5E + 4T + 3T + 2T + T + 1 w/ 4 min, 3min, 2min jog recovery. Shallotte- Copas Road, front side of town loop. Quality run, first 5 miles brought pace down into 7:20/ 7:30s range on feel, then ran first T mile in 6:29 w/o looking at watch. Decided to run remainder of T miles on feel, only checking watch at mile marks, and to keep track of recovery. Held pace in mid 6s range throughout. Full T miles: 6:27, 6:35, 6:23, 6:38... 6:25, 6:34 ... 6:24... 6:34. Legs though were pretty well trashed by end, and I questioned whether I ran too hard. But was very pleased able to hold paces that I did, so went with it. Run time- 1:59:34 (7:02 pace).
Wednesday: 7.43 miles. Shallotte-Brierwood+ next neighborhood. Easy pace, legs really beat up from Tuesday, was almost hard to run the first mile or so. Quads and calves real sore. Run time- 1:06:24 (8:57 pace)
Thursday: Rest/ recovery
Friday: 11.36 miles. Shallotte- 2x extended Brierwood loop. Ran real early, 6am. Very cold, some light ice too. Wind chill below 20. Gradual progression type run, down to 7:05- 7:20 range last 5 to 6 miles. Legs felt much better though, fairly recovered from Tues. Run time- 1:27:27 (7:41 pace)
Saturday: 18.36 miles. WO2. 2.36 miles CB State Park after race (looking for lost? runner). 16 miles roads CB-Kure Beach with Amie. Did her WO, 2E + 12M + 2E. Marathon miles around 8:00. Good steady run, but was mentally and physically struggling some. Out at CB State Park mostly standing since 5:30am at race. Ran at 1pm. Wind was a bit of a pain going towards KB. Glad that we did Sat afternoon instead of Sunday morning. My WO2 called for 18 miles steady, so worked out well running w/ Amie. Run time-2:14:15 (8:16 pace)
Sunday: 9.4 miles. CB + CB State park trails, offroad campground loop 2xs. Ran w. Amie again. Easy pace. Had on long pants due to cold. Temps in low-mid 30s with wind chills around 20. Just wanted to get miles in to hit 75 on week. Not the most fun of runs. Run time 1:33:34 (9:57 pace)
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