Friday, November 13, 2015



The essence of growth. Asking questions. Looking for answers. Which lead to more questions. For my own training, as well as for my development as a coach.

Couple great peals of wisdom I've come across the last few days. Listening to Coach Jay Johnson's podcasts;  a story about his former college coach Mark Whetmore at The University of Colorado. Whetmore was coming off his first XC NCAA national championship, and planning for the upcoming season. Instead of having the mindset of simply recycling the training plan from the previous year, he was more interested in seeing what improvements could be made. Taking what he had learned since then and applying to his training, looking for areas or aspects to become more efficient at, analyzing processes with fresh eyes... and not being willing to rest on his laurels as a coach.

Also reading Vernon Gambetta's blog Functional Path Training. The importance of seeing in our athletes the complete spectrum of movement, and the need to develop strength, coordination, speed along interconnected planes of motion that we all use in our respective sports. Continually searching and seeking as practitioners of sport as well as coaches of sport new ways to improve upon how we train and view the training processes holistically. Never being content with what we know. The best in any field do not always have the answers; rather they are the ones who are asking the questions.

Coach Brad Hudson:  Believe in nothing since one needs to believe in everything.

Last night our Cape Fear Flyers XC team had an exhibition meet versus our cross town friends and rivals from the Without Limits squad.  As a coach it was a great opportunity to observe what my more experienced coaching brethren across the field were doing. The attention to detail, from the time they got there and set up their tent, to the very last stretches being done with elastic ropes by their athletes long after ours had gone home. Plus it was awe inspiring to watch 17, 18 year old boys run 2 miles on grass circling soccer fields in a little over ten minutes. Efficient and smooth, and in control.

It's wonderful and humbling to feel like after nearly three decades in the sport I am just scratching the surface.

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