Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Thought about this when I was out running on Sunday. How hungry am I as well as what motivates hunger. It seems like the less that I perceive myself to have (which admittedly is a skewed and somewhat false perception), the hungrier I become in my running.  Hungry people will lay it all out there to get fed. An empty belly... (or an existential craving) fuels a person to push beyond the normal limitations imposed by time and space. Remembered back to being in college at Penn State when I had the re-occurring thoughts that running was the only thing that mattered to me.  During a period of situational depression, I had several weeks and months of solid runs. And I can still recall how good it felt.

This is not to say that a "well fed" person cannot be highly motivated in his or her athletic endeavors.  But I do think a "real hungry" person has a certain edge in how they approach their daily running tolls. The thing in itself has a higher weighted importance in the totality of their being in those stages in life.

Yesterday ran 24.5 miles. An 18 miler in the morning, hi-lighted by several miles running thru a tropical like monsoon in the state park. Early in the run I could see a bank of greyish purple clouds building to the south and west...  was sunny and noticeably warm and humid at 7:30 as I ran thru the center of Carolina Beach on the roads. Was actually hoping it would rain to cool me off. And 30-40 minutes later the first drops started to fall as I approached the state park. Really opened it up like the sky had been sliced in two back on the trails... which in no time became water logged and splishy splashy as I galloped along enjoying every minute of it. There's something some days about the rain and being out in it that is almost indescribably beautiful. The sounds, smells...

Late afternoon run in the sun was a harder 10k on the inner island roads/ trails...ended at the beach. Hi 45s, good, solid effort. Last 2 miles well under sub 7 minute pace. The last .2 in a hi 5s pace. 

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