Wednesday, April 30, 2014

26 April 2014

Thursday has become my day for speedwork; this time it was 5 x 1 mile. Decided to go back to the camp ground loop in the state park and run on the macadam roads (I do most of my speed work off road either on the inner island dirt connector roads, or around a soccer/ softball field at Chappelle Park). Also donned a new pair of Saucony Viratas. (love the smell of a new pair of running shoes). There’s something familiar and strangely comforting going to run real hard in known places…perhaps a physiological understanding that I can and will survive such challenging work outs. And the familiarity of where and when certain levels of pain tend to kick in … and sort of an internal yardstick which automatically measures the way thru it.

Ran the first mile in 6:35 and the next 4 all in the 6:20s on about a 2:10- 2:20 rest cycle. Felt pretty strong; pleased with the effort and the fact that I seem to be where I want to be fitness wise right now. At then end of a 4 week ramp up… averaging about 50 miles per week. Half marathon coming up on May4. Would like to take a run at sub 1:30.

Participated in Relay for Life late Friday night at Ashley HS. Almost indescribably exotic running on the track (clockwise for some reason) in the humid, heavier air we had at 3,4 o’clock in the morning. Quite emotionally moving too considering of course the cause… and the visuals of hundreds of white bags with lit candles inside lining the track. Thought about Cathy Jo later in the run. Flashbacked to first talking to her at track meets and practices on the old cinder track in Lehighton some 20+ years ago. And Mom and Dad and their battles with the big C. Said a few prayers for Cathy Jo up in heaven and her family and loves ones here on earth. Said a prayer for Mrs Bernard too. Ran about 7 miles with a guy named Mark I met with the WRRC, and a few laps with Drew. Asked him about 100 miler he did (Graveyard 100 Outer Banks) and talked about some ultras coming up. Mark and I got a good run in (I did 7 miles)…  knocked out some low 7 minute miles. Put down 8 more miles then after a short break; ran a little with Lisa and Jill. Talked about Gator 50K and perhaps doing again next year. Met a guy named Peyton who ended up putting down an impressive 27 miles. Were a few others out on the track walking as well, and some young boys playing soccer at one end of the football field. A young girl offered me and Mark orange slices when we passed by on one of our many laps.  Felt blissfully tired as I walked off the track at 5am to head home, and blessed to be right where I was at that very moment

Maybe that’s the true art of living well………………..

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