Sunday, December 24, 2017

Bostom Marathon Training- Week#2

On to week#2, and the only small concern I have of now is some nagging discomfort, stiffness in my right knee. Perhaps a touch of tendonitis. Though I have had on and off again (fortunately mostly off) issues with my right knee the past several years, usually manifesting during a marathon or ultra-marathon training cycle.

Have also run the most miles in two consecutive weeks that I have since somewhere in the fall of 2016 leading up to the Richmond marathon. Perhaps at the far end of the range of an increase in mileage, coupled with the intensity of the two workouts per week. Increased from the mid 50s range to 70 mpw.

But it has also spurred me to get back into doing some basic leg strengthening exercises, and stretching. Also starting back up with the core work, which I took about a month break from due to some upper back pain. Brought on ironically my lifting free weights and doing push-ups to strengthen upper body,. Amie suggests starting to use TRX bands which she has and can teach me.

In general, I have learned that it's dang near impossible to marathon train without some attendant aches and pains along the way. Like all of us, I knock on a gigantic piece of proverbial wood that the running gods keep me relatively healthy. Knowing full well that I've got to put in the time on preventative measures. Laziness will not suffice here.

Overall happy to be where I am in the early stages of the endeavor. Had a nice chat with Brenda about her Boston training, she is using one of the BAA plans on their website. Picked up my Boston running socks from her and like. Wore on Friday's WO.

As always it's a run at a time, and a week at a time. Merry Christmas all, may we find peace and joy this holiday, on and off the roads.

Week#2  (12/18- 12/24)

72.4 miles total.

Monday:  10+ miles in Shallotte, Copas Road loop. Tried to stay almost exclusively on the grass and dirt next to the asphalt. Kind of a pain to do in some spots, since Copas road being repaired. But want to take advantage of soft surfaces during daylight runs while I can. Legs felt ok. Run time- 1:23:49 (8:15 pace)

Tuesday: 15 miles. Q2 workout. 5 + 5 x 1000m I, w/2 min jog + 6 x 400m R, w/400m jog + 1.5. Tough workout, ran the first five miles (well down into the 7s)  a bit quicker to get the legs going, and run a little out of them before the fast sections. Ran the 1000m repeats at about hi 5s, was aiming for sub 6:00. Grinded out, but handled okay. 400s were only 5:30s-5:40s. I say only, since on fresh legs could be turning quarters in 1:15-1:20 range (5:00- 5:20 pace). But much different running 400s after 10+ miles that has included 5,000m at close to race pace, then running off say 3-4 miles easy. Overall- pleased with effort and results. Took a lot of concentration. Used roads near Dad's house, made up about a 1.5 mile loop used for workout. Temps in 40s, bit of a wind.   Run time- 1:54:12 (7:37 pace).

Wednesday: 10.7 miles. Similar run as Monday, route and staying off road. Legs beat up some from Tuesday, which was to be expected. Mileage day. Run time- 1:31:59 (8:35 pace).

Thursday: Rest/ Recovery day

Friday: 18 miles. Q1 workout. 3 + 3T + 9.5 + 2T+ .5. First 3 miles roads to North End, 8+ pace. T miles 6:27, 6:16, 6:26 roads North End to CB state park. Felt pretty good, a little concentration lapse 3rd mile as pace fell to 6:40. Met Colin and Justin F ran trails CBSP, good chunk of 1/2 marathon course. Good discussions about marathon race day fueling, pre race nutrition. Justin may run 1st marathon WB in March, hopes to BQ. Average a little under 9 mins/ mile. Then 2T on roads out of park back into Carolina Beach town. Put down a 6:17 on full timed T mile, was pleased with. Ran it hard, stayed real focused. Cloudy, some lighter rain, about 50-55. Another good WO. Run time- 2:22:59 (7:56 pace)

Saturday: 11 miles. In Richmond. First 4.5 w/Dad about 11 mins/ mile. To and around macadam trails Deep Run Park. Some hills. Last 6+ mostly on dirt, leaf covered single track trails in park. Pretty run. Legs not too after Friday, also drove 4.5 hours. Run time- 1:47:21 (9:45 pace)

Sunday: 7.5 miles. Richmond, sisters neighborhood again + Deep Run Park mostly macadam trails. 4.75 miles w/Dad about 11 mins/ mile pace. Then did about 7 hill repeats average length 250-300m, fairly steep grade. Pace in the 7:00 range, pushed fairly hard. Colder temps low 40s (60-65 degrees Saturday, but windy). Run time- 1:14:41 (9:54 pace).

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