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Great experience last weekend putting on the 1st annual Monster Dash race for the Cape Fear Flyers Club. Got to be involved in all aspects of race planning, and specifically, in designing two courses and marking as well as decorating them in a Halloween theme. With of course the help of some of my fellow coaches. Friday evening I was walking by myself through the Carolina Beach State park woods where the race was to be held. As darkness slowly descended upon the silent, still woods, I prayed that the Gods of running would watch over us, the runners, and all those involved... and that a fun, festive, competitive day could be had by all. Which, thankfully ended up being the experience shared amongst a hundred and fifty to two hundred people who turned out on a sunny, gorgeous autumn morning.
Wednesday after the rains cleared, I laid out three 200 meter courses for the Flyers kids, and some of us coaches like me to run on. We've got the kids grouped A, B, and C per ability. I took the top A kids through a 14 x 200m workout, averaging each rep in about 38 seconds, with a forty second rest interval. Kids ran hard, efficient. Talking to them on some of the reps about how workouts like this make us tougher, faster runners... able to dial up or tap into those last crucibles of energy in the latter stages of races, when our bodies and minds are flooding us with distress signals.
Then talking afterwards about the timeless wisdom of Frank Shorter. The importance of running fast and hard when it's time to run fast and hard, but conversely running slow and easy when it's time to recover and run slow and easy.
Though I violated that a bit myself running four miles with Amie the next morning around Greenfield Lake. We averaged a low to mid eight minute per mile pace, which again I told her impressed me about her running, since she is more into strength and weight training, and runs to supplement those activities. In my mind I told her I'm gauging how she would do versus the female competition in her age group (35-39) around the Wilmington area. Learning some valuable tips from her for my own ancillary strength and core work, which supplements my running.
Friday morning ran the Copas Road loop from my Dad's house in Brunswick County. Another pristine, sunny autumn morning... though I'm hoping for some more cooler weather again like we had about two weeks ago. Enjoyed the rambling run through the country side, and closed the last mile and a half of the eight and a half mile run fairly strong in a mid six to low seven minute per mile pace. Got lost in my own thoughts... the rest of the Flyers cross country season, ramping my own training slowly back up, entering some upcoming races. Cognizant of my form in the last three quarters of mile... something I need to be more aware of.
Looking forward to a Saturday morning run tomorrow in the Carolina Beach State park with Peyton and some of the kids.
If I can paraphrase what a wise man once said... if you get to spend an hour each day doing something you love... life aint half bad.